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Welcome to CBA West Midlands

We are Council for British Archaeology West Midlands.

The archaeology of this region is as diverse as its landscape, from Palaeolithic flints in Birmingham, through the origins of the Industrial Revolution in the Ironbridge Gorge to World War II air raid shelters in Wolverhampton.

We are an independent charity funded by our supporters’ subscriptions. Our committee is elected at the AGM and meets up to six times a year.


  • campaign for your heritage
  • bring together those interested in archaeology in the West Midlands
  • support local societies
  • work with other partners in environmental conservation
  • encourage and publicise relevant research
  • encourage and advertise the opportunities for education and participation

We fulfil these roles through our meetings, newsletters, journal and this website, as well as working behind the scenes to protect and enhance the historic environment through advocacy.

Our supporters:

  • help us develop our work in education, conservation and
  • raise the profile of archaeology in the minds of decision-makers

If you care for the future of the past, and want to learn more about archaeology outside your own area, the Council for British Archaeology is the organisation for you.

The following aims are taken from our Constitution.

The Group is established to pursue the following objects in the counties of Herefordshire, Shropshire, Staffordshire, Warwickshire, Worcestershire and the West Midlands:-

  • to advance the education of the public in archaeology;
  • to advance and assist research;
  • to provide a framework for communication and discussion, and be a vehicle for representation to the wider community and to the CBA of any consensus which emerges;
  • to provide information;
  • to encourage widespread participation in archaeology throughout society.