Saturday 2 July, 2022 from 10am to 4pm,
at Tysoe and Tysoe Village Hall, Main Street, Middle Tysoe, Warwickshire CV35 0SE
Following the interest aroused by John Hunt’s talk on “The Making of Tysoe Project” after the 2021 CBA West Midlands AGM it was decided that the 2022 AGM and Summer Field Day would be in Tysoe.
Draft Outline Programme
The times and order of individual activities may be subject to alteration
10:00 Doors open. Tea & coffee available
10:30 Event starts in Tysoe Village Hall
Welcome and AGM business (CBA West Midlands members only)
11:15 Tea/coffee break
11:30 Presentations by members of The Making of Tysoe Project team
12:45 Lunch break
13:45 Guided walks around the village
16:00 End of event
Places are limited and prior booking is essential. A booking link will be provided nearer to the event.
Photo – Aerial view of Tysoe village looking south. The Village Hall is the white building at the very top of the picture. © Copyright The Making of Tysoe Project